Saturday, March 1, 2008

February didn't exist this year

Yeah, so it's a leap year, and even with that extra day in February, I somehow didn't manage to write one new blog post the entire month.

It seemed like a pretty full month, though. It seemed there was plenty to write about...yet, I didn't. And now I can hardly remember what all happened all month long. I'll blame that memory lapse on a long week instead of on the inevitable fact that I am getting older.

I'm having a few folks over tomorrow for a bit of a housewarming. I've been in this apartment for about 4 1/2 months...what can I say, it takes me a while to settle in. I do like to make a space nice and livable before I subject outsiders to it.

This February blur is bothering me. I suppose, at least, that if I were going to let a whole month slip by that it's just as well that it's the shortest month of the year. The shortest month, with one extra day.

Maybe I should write more often.

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