Sunday, June 8, 2008

This one's for my sis'...

So I haven't posted in a while. It's been about a month and a half since my last entry here. Sure, I felt like a slacker for dropping the writing ball, but I didn't think my grand readership of 2-3 people (by my estimate) would mind terribly the lack of fresh material.

Well, apparently one reader does mind: my sister, Sarah.

I recently went to Maryland for a long weekend - I stayed at my parents' house with my sister, brother-in-law, and niece, who were visiting from Nashville. During said visit, I learned that Sarah regularly checks my blog for new material, usually two times a week, and she was growing tired of seeing the same post at the top time and time again. I was flattered that she was so devoted, and upset that I was letting down my singular steadfast reader.

So...I promise to write more. There are things to write about, and I just ain't been doing it.

That being said, I present:
A CHALLENGE (to my, um, many readers, sister included)

The CHALLENGE is this (well, it's a challenge to myself, too): I promise to write a blog post on any subject matter that is presented to me through a comment to this post.

Frankly, I don't think I'm setting myself up for much work here, because I fear that my readers have all but disappeared. But, hey, if you prove me wrong, I promise to write away. I hope you do.


Sarah said...

Finally! OK ... I'll give you three topics on which to opine through the written word.

1. Are you concerned that Barack Obama will destroy any motivation to work and succeed through his oppressive tax plan and desired expansion of entitlement programs? Why or why not?

2. What role do you believe the government (federal, state and local) should play in supporting the arts?

3. What gives you the most pride in being a graduate of James H. Harrison Elementary in Laurel, MD? I know ... it will be difficult to pick just one.

Sarah V said...

Hey Catherine, I read your blog too ;). Here's a topic - Brooklyn style. Is there one? Thoughts? Are beards ironic? lol We have some people from Brooklyn staying here and it came up.

Sarah B., also formerly of James H. Harrison Elementary, though not a graduate. :)

Catherine said...

Yay! I still have readers. OK, I promise to write on your chosen topics in short order.

A couple notes, though:
-to my sister: "oppressive" is a personal assessment in this case, not a truth. I'll get to this more later in a fuller post.
-Sarah B.: if you are who I think you are, then you are indeed a fellow graduate of Harrison. What would make you a non-graduate? Am I forgetting something? Did you not finish out the 6th grade there?

Sarah said...

I'm waiting ...

Catherine said...

I'm finishing my first draft right now! Impatience!

Sarah V said...

hey catherine .. sarah brungardt. I left Harrison in fourth grade. I'm a graduate of the illustrious Montpelier Elementary :)

Catherine said...

Yes, Sarah B., I thought it was you! And my lapse of memory regarding your elementary school alma mater is just proof of my senile old age - ha! Just kidding! You still have one day on whole day!
And now that you mention it, I do remember my 5th and 6th grade memories severely lacking in Sarah Brungardt-ness...
P.S.: My response to your query is coming soon, I promise!