Saturday, November 24, 2007

2nd Best Show Ever (The Muppet Show is #1)

I just want to make sure as many people as possible read this:

Sweeping the Clouds Away, by Virginia Heffernan

...and/or listen to this:

Beware the Cookie Monster, Brian Lehrer Show 11/19/2007

Has anyone seen a recent episode of Sesame Street? I think the last time I stumbled upon a new episode was about two years ago, and I remember being bored out of my mind. It was such a disappointment, as I had remembered Sesame Street as such a weird, funny, quirky show.

I plan on obtaining a copy of these old school DVDs asap.

1 comment:

sk said...

Wow, totally weird article... who'd have thought.

In honour of the Muppet Show I'm posting a link to this amazing musical number... watch it you won't be sorry!